Giving doctors back the time they need to see patients, not paperwork.

Doctors should focus on seeing patients, and patients should focus on healing. Let us take care of the rest

MOM & POP 2.0

Utilizing technology to enhance individualized communication and elevate patient care.

Our technology allows us to optimize patient communication, analyze data and provide key insights and reports to elevate the level of individualized care.


Helping to navigate the obstacles that come between the prescription pad and the patient.

Our team of specialists has the knowledge and experience to understand how to find efficient solutions to help make sure your medications are approved and affordable.

Our Story

Can a pharmacy improve the lives of its patients?  Can we make it easier to get the right medications and clear the path filled with endless paperwork?  Can we change the idea of this process to a journey, from just mechanically taking medicine to finding growth in better health?

These are questions we ask ourselves everyday.

This is about walking with our patients and being their voice.  This is about opening the communication cycle between the doctor, the patient and the insurer.

We believe the future of pharmacy is not solely based on technological advancements but also in the way we connect with patients.

This is the evolution of the pharmacy who puts people first.

This is ahma Rx

Our Vision

We believe healthcare solutions for patients must change for the better.
We believe that we must create a sense of Community and communication between everyone involved in the health of a patient.
We see a future where patients have a clear path in understanding and receiving quality treatment.

Mission Statement

Simplifying the prescription journey through elevated customer care.